Relationship with Institutions

Relationship with institutions (Flanders, Belgium)

Working with organizations with a migrant background

How migrant organizations engage


Jurgen Basstanie & Aleidis Devillé




1.     Legal framework/law/legal obligations of the state towards newly arrived immigrants/immigrants/new citizens in the areas


1.1.  Housing/accommodation


On a federal level:


-          Few provisions, there are social houses but nothing specific for immigrants.

-          Open centres for asylumseekers (opvangcentra voor asielzoekers (Klein Kasteeltje)). From this people are referred to local initiaves taken by municipalities

-          Closed centres are run by domestic affairs  and policed by them (meant for illegal immigrants)

-          When there is family reunification, the hostfamily has provide housing and funding. The government plays no role here.


1.2.  Language learning (courses, etc.)


-          Children must go to school (education law, which applies to all people, including illegal asylum seekers). Immigrants can follow Dutch lessons or other training. This applies to Flanders but similar provisions are taken in Wallonia. Language course are many some but still demand outweighs supply, especially in certain regions/municipalities. There is a lack of centralization of the courses on offer. Huizen van het Nederlands attempt to centralize things by listing what is available. A more central policy on this is required.


1.3.  Education (also, if possible, inclusion in education institutions and recognition of foreign education certificates)


In theory, any minor residing in Belgium, is obliged to go to school, also children of undocumented immigrants or newcomers. Each participant has access to a civic integration course. Certain groups are obliged to attend them. The integration of non-Dutch-speaking minors that are newcomers mainly consists of following lessons at school. Several schools have welcome classes where the minors get in touch with the Dutch language. 

In case of non-compulsory education, one has to deal with the valorization of the diploma, higher education, adult education, language courses and part-time education. When someone immigrates to Belgium and has obtained a diploma of secondary or higher education in his country of origin, he can request an equalization of his degree with a Belgian (Flemish) diploma. In practice, this appears not so easy. If immigrants with previous foreign higher education want to continue or raise their higher education level in Belgium, there are a number of conditions to be met. Colleges and universities set diploma and language requirements. Adult education, also known as evening classes, has a range of courses at different levels. Immigrants have the opportunity to take a language course. Finally, there is the part-time education that young people can attend. I put the emphasis on the personal development path (PDP). This is a system for particularly vulnerable young people who are in problematic situations. How to deal with equalization on an international level is a question to  be looked at. Perhaps there  are solutions with having highly qualified immigrant people do on the job-traineeships that are supervised by local experts.



1.4.  Employment


Immigrants originally  came especially to find work. But since 1974 economic migration as such has been prohibited (except for problem professions). So many asylum seekers abuse the refugee status to find work here. They are often disappointed as a result.


Maybe the Geneva convention should be reconsidered as many people living in poverty want to come to Belgium and they now all resort to asylum procedures for economic reasons.


Immigrants that are accepted and settled have the same rights  and possibilities  as native Belgians and can resort to employment agencies to find work. They pay social security and taxes so have similar rights.


Asylum seekers  are only allowed to work after 6 months in the course of their application for residence procedure. Before that they are not allowed to work. Then they get a labour card B, which can only be issued by an employer who is willing to employ this asylumseeker. So the asylumseeker himself cannot apply for a labour card B.


Asylumseekers who are admitted in the end (about 10 %) obtain a labour card C which allows them to be employed with several employers.  So there are three labour cards


Asielzoekers die erkend zijn (klein 10% van de asielaanvragen krijgen uiteindelijk een erkenning), krijgen een arbeidskaart C en kunnen dus bij diverse werkgevers tewerk gesteld worden.

(cf. ter verduidelijking:

-          Labour card A: unlimited opportunities for employment, only for Belgians

-          Labour card B: can only be applied for by an employer who wants to employ a particular asylum seeker

-          Labour card C: unlimited employment possibilities, only for newcomers


Illegal immigrant people are not allowed to work under Belgian law. As a result if they stay they end up in unofficial circuits, they pay no social security and often there is abuse because there is no monitoring. Law enforcement agencies do fight black work. Still, these workers qualify under labour law, but it can t be checked.



1.5.  Health care and social services, family matters (what happens when family arrive, what one must do to bring his/her family)


Family reunification is a procedure which became a lot more severe last year.


The host person must financially support the newcomer for a period of two years. Parents can t come as such, just because they are somebody s parents. It has become much less obvious to get people over. Minors can come.


Family reunification is based on our Western  family model, which is often outdated. It takes little account of newly established families, which are also common in Belgian today. The concept of what is a family is often very different abroad (cultural issues). As a result family reunification is often problematic.


People who work pay social security so they are entitled to use our health care services. The same applies to immigrants.  People in asylum seekers get the same rights if they are recognized. If not, they have no medical rights for assistance. The same applies for asylum seekers who have been rejected (which is the vast majority, even above 90%). Consequently many people have no health care rights.  Still urgent medical needs exist also for these people. Local municipalities can give authority for medical care.




2. The main actors/institutions that deal with the above mentioned issues (could be included in the above text), their duties, their funding, the sources of funding, their target audiences, the main methods and techniques.


-          Fedasil is an umbrella organisation that is in charge of receiving asylum seekers on a federal level. They work with the local municipalities and refer people to them. They also have a central centre  in Brussels where all welcoming and allocations of asylum seekers are supervised.

They have no say in the asylum procedure. It is just a service of basic needs they provide.


-          Onthaalklassen (Welcome classes). Some schools have special classes that are recognized where children of newcomers can go to get launched in our education system.

-          Welcome offices (Onthaalbureaus)


Civic integration is seen as a supervised path to integration.  It consists of

             a course in basic Dutch language

             a course in society issues: getting to know Belgian and Flemish society.

              career orientation: guid              ance in finding employment, a study course and leisure time activities

             Individual guidance


-          Integration centres (e.g. Prisma) provide second line support. They help for example hospitals in how they can deal with newcomers  and children of labour immigrants (outcomers) more adequately.


-          Centrum voor Gelijkheid van  Kansen en voor Racismebestrijding Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities and the Federal Centre of Migration (Federal Governement)

o   Main responsibilities of the centre

§  Fighting racism;

§  Following up on the government s integration policies and policies on equal opportunities, both for groups in the population and for disabled people;

§  Law on foreigners and new migration;

§  Combatting poverty and following up on subsistence levels and  social exclusion;

§  Combatting trafficking people;

§  Education , documentation and sensitization..




3. The status of migrant/ethnic organizations/communities: legal status and legislation, organisation type, the funding, is there an official consultation process where they can get involved? Is it their own initiative?


3.1 Asylum Seekers

When asylum seekers arrive in Belgium, they have to respect a waiting period. Asylum seekers must go through an asylum procedure. As long as they are in this procedure, they have a right to shelter. There are both collective and individual care structures. While in shelter, they wait for a decision. In the meantime, asylum seekers are able to follow Dutch lessons or other training and children must go to school. The decision can be positive or negative. In case of a positive decision, either the refugee status or subsidiary protection is granted. The foreigner will have the right to stay in Belgium. However, in case of a negative decision, protection is refused. The foreigner must leave Belgium and return to his homeland. 


3.2 Labourers

Labourers, the so-called working immigrants, migrated to Belgium to work in the mines. In the 1950s, the Belgian industry was looking for labourers in Italy, Spain and Greece. In times of oil crisis and car free Sundays an immigration stop was announced in 1974, which is still in effect. Now there are mainly second and third generation immigrant workers in Belgium. They have the same rights and obligations as the Belgian people.


3.3 Family Re-unification

Next group concerns family re-unification. People who have a residence permit and are allowed to stay in Belgium, can submit a request to be reunited with their spouse and/or children living abroad. There are a number of conditions that need to be met before candidates are eligible.




3.4 Undocumented migrants

Undocumented migrants are foreigners who, under Belgian law, are not allowed to stay in Belgium. They represent a very heterogeneous group. Some important subgroups are: over stayers, outlaws, commuters, clandestine people and inexpulsibles (staatlozen mensen die je niet kan terugsturen). Illegal stay in Belgium is punishable. Often the person without a legal residence permit gets an order to leave the country. There is a distinction between trafficking and smuggling in people.


3.5 Trailer park residents

Finally, we have the trailer park residents. These people are often popularly called Gypsies. Trailer park residents usually live with their families on a trailer park site. You can classify them into four groups: the Voyagers, Manoesjen, Roms and Roma. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the limited social protection has disappeared. Many Roma live in poverty, mostly in separate neighbourhoods. In addition, they are openly discriminated against in their country of origin. In Belgium there is a Roma policy, both on the Flemish and local level.




Asylum Seekers

1.       Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en Staatlozen (procedure)

Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen. (2013). Registratie en verklaring. Geraadpleegd op 14 november 2013, .


Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen. (2013). Beroep tegen de beslissing. Geraadpleegd op 24 november 2013,


Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen. (2013). Beslissing. Geraadpleegd op 16 november 2013,


Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen. (2013). Na de procedure. Geraadpleegd op 26 november 2013,


Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen. (2013). Statistieken. Geraadpleegd op 24 november 2013,


2.       Bed and Breakfast: Fedasil

Fedasil. (2013). Asiel in België. Geraadpleegd op 14 november 2013,


Fedasil. (2013). Asielprocedure. Geraadpleegd op 16 november 2013,


Fedasil. (2010-2011). Inet. Geraadpleegd op 5 maart 2014,


Fedasil. (2013). Minderjarigen. Geraadpleegd op 23 november 2013,


Fedasil. (2013). Opvang asielzoekers. Geraadpleegd op 16 november 2013,



Language & Education

1.       Civic integration: welcome offices


Civic integration offices. Geraadpleegd  op 27 augustus 2014.


2.       Huizen van het Nederlands


Huizen van het Nederlands. (2008). Welkom bij de Huizen van het Nederlands!. Geraadpleegd op 16 februari 2014,




Policy & Policy support

1.       Kruispunt Migratie-Integratie (Flemish governement)

Kruispunt migratie-integratie. (2013). Dublinonderzoek. Geraadpleegd op 13 november 2013,



Kruispunt migratie-integratie. (2011). Jaarboek Integratie & Inburgering [Brochure]. Geraadpleegd op 23 februari 2014,


Kruispunt migratie-integratie. (2013). Mensen zonder wettig verblijf. Geraadpleegd op 6 november 2013,


Kruispunt migratie-integratie. (2014). Onderwijs minderjarige nieuwkomers. Geraadpleegd op 8 februari 2014,


Kruispunt migratie-integratie. (2013). Woonwagenbewoners. Geraadpleegd op 9 november 2013,


Kruispunt migratie-integratie. (2013). Roma. Geraadpleegd op 9 november 2013,




2.       Centrum voor Gelijkheid van  Kansen en voor Racismebestrijding Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities and the Federal Centre of Migration (Federale Governement)


3.       Pressure groups: NGO s & Self-Organisations

Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, Refugee organisation Flanders

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Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen. (2013). Jonge vreemdelingen & vluchtelingen. Geraadpleegd op 23 november 2013,




There are many small ones but they can often only exert little pressure on the governement.






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