National/Regional Experiences

Situation in Germany Basic Facts

To achieve equal prospects of participation in the system of vocational and general education in Germany it takes still more great efforts. The disparities in the level of participation in education and prosperity of education of children and adolescents with and without a migration background are still huge. Even with equal level of social state children and adolescents out of families with migration background are still more rarely entering the high school (Gymnasium) and more often entering the lower qualifying kinds of school. [1]

In the Hauptschule (secondary modern school; from year 5 to 9 in Germany, lowest ordinary school) and Förderschule (special schools for low capable pupils) they are disproportionately high represented. [2]

In 2010 foreign adolescents left school of general education with a contingent of 12,8 % above twice as much as adolescents as German adolescents. [3]

In the age bracket from 25- to 34- years old people a contingent of 31,6 % of the persons with migration background don`t possess an apprenticeship at all. In the group of their contemporaries without migration background the contingent is about 9,2 %. [4]

Students with migration background and a German graduation from school are to an extremely higher degree reliant on public providence than Students without a migration background because of the relatively high number of socially deprived families. [5]

Furthermore a too minor number of students with migration background finishes its academic studies.

Persons with a migration background still use offers of advanced training and continuing education on generally and vocationally fields much more rarely then those without these migration background.

The tendencies of this data are developing mainly positively. The percentage of migrants without a graduation from school is waning. The German Ministry of Education and Research is interpreting this as a success of its initiatives of education and integration. [6]

Witch initiatives are we talking about in this context?

The improvement of the  participation in education as well as significant successes in education of people with migration context are still central challenges of the whole system of education and those of integration in Germany.

The federal ministry of education and research lays its focus on children and adolescents out of this group; because its contingent in the category of under 25 year old persons is meanwhile about 29 %. Its contingent in the category of under 5 year old kids is meanwhile about 34,5 % and in areas of high population density in Western Germany this contingent is actually 40%. [7]

[1] Source: Integration durch Bildung, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2012

[2] Ibid.

[3] There are nearly no data about german adolescents with a migration background, regardless of the fact that this is the

majority of the people in question

[4] Microzensus 2010

[5] Source: Integration durch Bildung, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2012

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.


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